November 14, 2023

Mental Health Podcasts

Recommendations by TherapyKC

Having trouble sleeping? Dr. Andrew Huberman is a neuroscientist with a very popular podcast: 

Dr. Huberman's "Sleep Toolkit"

What is transference in psychotherapy? Nancy McWilliams is a researcher, author, psychodynamic therapist... and all around rockstar!! Here she is interviewed by Dr. David Puder on his podcast "Psychiatry & Psychotherapy". They discuss the role of transference in therapy among other topics.

Nancy McWilliams interview

Want to understand psychology terms? In a world filled with lots of uneducated, over simplified and flat out false information on Psychology it can be hard to find accurate information on what psychology terms actually mean. Dr. Jonathan Shedler is a renowned researcher, author and psychodynamic therapist. Here he is interviewed by Chris Williamson on his show "Modern Wisdom".

14 Concepts of Psychoanalysis

Need to make a very difficult life change? Master Jungian Analysts: Debrah Stewart, Lisa Marchiano and Joseph Lee have a podcast where they discuss archetypal images and their meanings. Here they discuss an inner confrontation with Self to make a difficult change.

Garden of Gathsemane Archetype

Let's Talk