February 27, 2024

Mature Masculinity

A Jungian Exploration

TherapyKC is offering a five-week mens group study.

Our meetings will take place every Wednesday, from April 3rd to May 1st, from 6:15pm to 8:00pm.

One of the issues we face in adulthood is a difficulty finding quality information about what healthy masculine psychology looks like. "KING, WARRIOR, MAGICIAN, LOVER: Rediscovering The Archetypes Of The Mature Masculine" by Moore and Gillette is has been helpful guide in growing that understanding. This book offers readers a chance to reimagine and deepen our understanding of the masculine psyche. If you prefer audio books we will include a link to the free audio book as well as dozens of lectures from one of the authors on these archetypes.

A quote from the Preface: 

"Our purpose in writing this book... has been to offer men a simplified and readable outline of an "operator's manual for the male psyche." Reading this book should help you understand your strengths and weaknesses as a man and provide you with a map of the territories of masculine selfhood which you need to explore." -Moore and Gillette

Intentions for the group:

-Coming together to learn, support and strive towards growth.  

-To make films, literature and history come alive and become reminders of the mature masculine.

-In depth discussion about archetypes and experiential exercise to deepen learning.

-Collaborative and interpersonal meetings.

-A space for: "rough draft" thoughts, questions and discussing mature masculinity.

-Theoretical and personally practical discussions.

-It will NOT become a group analysis of what each other share. "Rescuing" or telling other's what they "should do" will not be welcome.

-We will work to be curious with each other. Dialogue among attendees and facilitators will be the backbone of the group.

-Increasing our awareness of what healthy masculine psychology looks like.


-Meetings will be 5 weeks in a row on Wednesdays April 3rd - May 1st from 6:15pm - 8:00pm. We will start and end on time.

-We will meet at KC Well Co in the Luzier Building above Billies Grocery. 3216 Gillham Plaza, Suite 220, Kansas City, MO 64109.

-Each of the first four weeks we will discuss one of the four archetypes as described in the text and additional materials. The final week we will do an experiential exercise to shift from insight to

-Cost will be $150/person paid in full week 1.

-Two colleagues who have studied this material extensively will be the facilitators.

-Dinner will not be provided but you are welcome to eat at the group so long as it's not distracting (no smelly dinners please). If you'd like to bring a snack or non-alcoholic beverage feel free. Water will be provided.

-You will need to have your own copy of the book.

-There is limited availability. To sign up email: ben@therapykc.com

If this sounds appealing to you, consider joining this 5 week study. If you have any other questions or want more information email: ben@therapykc.com


Alex Linderer
Ben Smalley
Let's Talk